Eugene Fidell continues our Christmas series.
Brent Shoemaker kicks off our Christmas series.
Eugene Fidell wraps up our series on the book of 1 John.
Brent Shoemaker takes the next steps in our journey through John’s letter to the Church.
Eugene Fidell continues our series as we look at chapter 2!
Eugene Fidell introduces the first chapter of the letter, 1 John.
Brent Shoemaker and Eugene Fidell share updates about the future of City Church and some next steps we have to continue our belief in our city!
Brent Shoemaker and Sahar Massad kickoff our annual series!
Eugene Fidell wraps up our series talking about the win for the church.
Brent Shoemaker picks up where we left off last week with a further look at faith.
Brent Shoemaker talks about what it means to win through radical generosity.
Eugene Fidell teaches on the importance of Sabbath as we seek to live our lives For The Win.
Brent Shoemaker continues our series talking about the importance of investing in the next generation.
Brent Shoemaker kicks off a new series helping us define the win!
Landon Turner closes out our series on the book of Daniel.
Brent Shoemaker continues our series on Daniel with a closer look at Daniel and the Lion’s Den.
Eugene Fidell kicks off our new series on Daniel.
Sahar Massad teaches a powerful passage alongside of our recap of youth summer camp.
Guest Larry Ragan shares ten lessons he learned from his father.
Members of the 2019 England Team share about all that Jesus did during their time serving with Young Life International.
Brent Shoemaker teaches our Easter message on the hope found in the resurrection!
Brent Shoemaker continues our series showing the power of going back into our past and allow Jesus to work through our story and family history.