Eugene Fidell closes out Songs of Christmas by giving us the story and message of O Holy Night.
Eugene Fidell teaches on the song Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
Eugene Fidell teaches on the song of O Come All Ye Faithful.
Eugene Fidell starts his series called "Songs of Christmas".
Josh Sterwart visits from Oaks Community Church in Naples, Florida. He teaches on what it means to be oaks of righteousness.
Eugene Fidell teaches about the relationship between idolatry and pride through Daniel Chapter 5.
Eugene Fidell walks us through Daniel Chapter 4.
Eugene Fidell teaches on chapter 3 of Daniel.
Sahar Smith teaches on being salt and light in the world.
Kevin Cash closes out chapter one of Daniel.
Eugene Fidell begins our series on the book of Daniel.
Eugene Fidell led us to another important question as we seek to be zealous for the Lord; what quenches the fire of zeal?
This week, we wrestled with the question, who are we becoming?
Eugene Fidell begins our new teaching series, Zeal For Your House.
This Sunday, we wrapped up our time in 2 Timothy.
This week, we began our journey into the book of 2 Timothy.
On Pentecost Sunday we commissioned our England Team and Dedicated more children to the Lord.